Subbanner-Dedicated-Services Waste management | Industrial Wastewater – NSL OilChem

A separate account executive to each project

To us, each customer is exclusive and deserves complete attention. We assign an account executive to each project to assist in determining the customer’s handling or transportation requirements. This may include an onsite survey, risk-assessment, collection of samples, or face-to-face discussions to ensure that the best resources are allocated to the job.

Why Us - Separate Account Executive Waste management | Industrial Wastewater – NSL OilChem

Why%20Us%20-%20Dedicated%20Service%20-%20Emergency%20Response%20(1) Waste management | Industrial Wastewater – NSL OilChem

Emergency Response Team

We treat our waste seriously, and we understand the urgency whenever there is an emergency.

In our midst, we have an emergency response team to mitigate and control a crisis such as an oil spill. Over the years, we have been engaged by local authorities to clean up oil spills and other disaster-recovery projects. Read more about it in our Corporate Social Responsibility page.